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You need a web site for your business, I figure that's why you're here.
As with any business expenditure you try to learn about the subject to ensure you make
informed decisions. There's a lot of pieces to the puzzle of web sites and web design. We can help put
them together for you. There's no need for you to learn about:
HTML, JavaScript, CGI, CSS, PHP, SQL
Bandwidth, POP3, Auto Responders
SEO, PPC, Key Phrases, Meta-tags, etc.
That's what we're here for, besides you've got a business to run.
We've partnered with Merchant Accounts Express to offer merchant accounts!
If you need to accept credit cards on your web site
click here to sign up for a merchant account.
Once your set up through Merchant Express we can handle
any required integrations on your web site.
To learn more about the videos on this site Click Here!